Monday, April 19, 2010

Lise sometimes I just can't help but wonder why?

1 comment:

  1. Hunny I am so with you on this! And again you have read my mind. I'm totally in that frame of mind right now - like why me, how come he gets to be happy and not me, why do I have to go through all the crappy bits?? It's not faaaaaiiir! (insert toddler tantrum)

    I guess all I can say is that it's who we are. We can't put our heads in the sand like them. We chose to deal with it. Even when it sucks. And most of the time, I know I do it because I think it's worth it. And as for why...I really do believe these things have happened to us because we need to learn particular life lessons from them.

    Maybe for you guys it's because you need to learn lessons so as to be a stronger couple one day. For me I think it's so that I can learn to speak up for my rights and needs in a relationship, and have a relationship that's ultimately way better for it. Maybe I'm not ready for my man yet, maybe these experiences are still forming me so that when I meet him I'm ready.

    Why the lessons have to be so gut-renching...I dunno. Maybe so that we never forget them?

    Hugs! Hope you enjoyed this epic comment lol - it totally got me thinking. And it helped. Thanks as always sammy xx
