Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Xmas buddy, I hope you were spoilt :) 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tonight I wanted to say:

"I love you so much my friend, there is no-one quite like you,
and you are so special".

And I want to remind you that:
You have the right to set boundaries. 

You have the right to be happy.

You have the right to be emotionally content 
(and not have your mind blown to pieces by shrapnel every 6 months as another bombshell hits). 

You have the right to not have to worry about who will walk you down the isle 
(we will tackle that when it comes - see blind faith, we will find someone ;) ).

You have the right to take all of the time in the world if you need it. 

It's our lesson for 2010 - me first! - and it looks like we are riding it into 2011, because we clearly need a couple of refresher courses.