Two night ago I had a realisation in the shower.
It's pretty obvious, and people have told me it many times before, but suddenly I'm starting to believe it all on my own.
Since I can remember I've always wanted a body like this:
But twice now in the last week I've been surprised by the responses of guys to bodies that are almost exact replicas of the above (and these girls had attractive faces).
On both occasions the guys said something along the lines of, 'honestly, that's not attractive, what you need is a woman with curves'.
And so the other night as a stood in the shower attempting to contract my stomach muscles and shave at the same time, it suddenly hit me.
All this time I've been wanting a girls body.
I have a woman's body.
My body has curves in all sorts of places that don't exist on the pic above. But my god, that body resembles a 16 year old girl, and my body resembles a woman's body. I'm seriously considering the fact that the curves I've always hated could be incredibly sexy to the opposite sex because they make me look like a woman.
All of these years I've been ashamed of my body, what a waste!
Now I feel sexy just thinking about my curves, especially when I think about a man being turned on them ;)