Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Xmas buddy, I hope you were spoilt :) 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tonight I wanted to say:

"I love you so much my friend, there is no-one quite like you,
and you are so special".

And I want to remind you that:
You have the right to set boundaries. 

You have the right to be happy.

You have the right to be emotionally content 
(and not have your mind blown to pieces by shrapnel every 6 months as another bombshell hits). 

You have the right to not have to worry about who will walk you down the isle 
(we will tackle that when it comes - see blind faith, we will find someone ;) ).

You have the right to take all of the time in the world if you need it. 

It's our lesson for 2010 - me first! - and it looks like we are riding it into 2011, because we clearly need a couple of refresher courses. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Best things in life are free

Don't you worry about money hun, I have us covered. Here are the first of (many) ideas I have of free ways for us to have fun this summer, and ways to earn cash as well.

1. Road Trip!!

2. Bike ride in centennial park or along the new cycle pathway

3. Farmers markets - for freebies only you can eat a whole lunch worth!

4. Beach days

5. Picnics

6. Wardrobe remix (a la: Mum and I are totally doing this - we aspire to double the use of our current wardrobe. Very useful for you considering the impending 5days/wk with the same people at uni. You'll need to get creative in order to not shop!

7. Ikea trip to help me deck out the place - I have a gift voucher so still free technically :)

8. Cliff walk from bondi to coogee - so pretty

And oh yeah why stop at free, lets earn money too:

1. Sign up for market research - doing it together = free entertainment

2. Mystery shopping

3. Babysitting - there are many small people in my new suburb

4. Dogwalking - ditto the dogs in my suburb

The excitment +++ I totally embrace the povo life!

Monday, November 22, 2010

I love my bicycle

A rocket pack on the back for speed, silver wings for flight mode, and a magical unicorn horn...

Monday, November 1, 2010

For our friends that have newly broken hearts...

I wish it was this simple

And that you were ready to hear this

I promise that if you take your time and choose to deal with it,
that after a long, long time things get better and you come out of this stronger.

For liesbeth...

Thank you for helping me and giving me the strength to be ready for this...


Thursday, October 28, 2010

26: clearly it's a character building year

Character, like film, develops in darkness.” -Yousuf Karsh

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Beautiful curves

Two night ago I had a realisation in the shower. 
It's pretty obvious, and people have told me it many times before, but suddenly I'm starting to believe it all on my own.

Since I can remember I've always wanted a body like this:

But twice now in the last week I've been surprised by the responses of guys to bodies that are almost exact replicas of the above (and these girls had attractive faces). 
On both occasions the guys said something along the lines of, 'honestly, that's not attractive, what you need is a woman with curves'. 

And so the other night as a stood in the shower attempting to contract my stomach muscles and shave at the same time, it suddenly hit me. 

All this time I've been wanting a girls body. 
I have a woman's body. 

My body has curves in all sorts of places that don't exist on the pic above. But my god, that body resembles a 16 year old girl, and my body resembles a woman's body. I'm seriously considering the fact that the curves I've always hated could be incredibly sexy to the opposite sex because they make me look like a woman. 

 All of these years I've been ashamed of my body, what a waste!
Now I feel sexy just thinking about my curves, especially when I think about a man being turned on them ;)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To my beautiful friend,

You are such a special person, you bring all of these things to the lives you touch every day. 
I love you so much, 
Happy Belated Birthday

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

yes please

In honour of your weekend...

Don't ask me why, but it's true! 

For some reason this hit a chord today :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

for being selfish tonight, especially after you have been so selfless over the last week/year/26 years. 
I love you buddy, I'm sorry :( 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

You always make me smile and manage to put the sunshine back into my day. 
You don't just hold my hand, you swing it back and forth and remind me to skip...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

You hold the world in your hands

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Be glad you aren't a goldfish...

or these guys:

Being trapped and not being able to escape would suck. So would being trodden on all day...

All up life just pretty much sucks if you are a fish... 

Even though they live in the sea 

hmm and do I love the sea! 

But fishes in bowls have to swallow their own pee, so all in all I'm just glad to be me :) 

- yes, that is a crappy rhyme inserted for your reading pleasure ;)

Hope you feel better, and that you are also glad that you aren't a fish :) 


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Spooky similarity

I think your post really put into words what my subconscious was thinking when I took these shots :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Something wise that I read today:

if it happens, it would probably happen regardless of what you do
to screw it up - and if it doesn't happen despite all your attempts
to make it happen, it was probably never meant to be...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Yesterday on my walk I noticed that trees were starting to blossom.
It's spring time, it's time for fresh starts and new ideas.
It's time to grow in new ways.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Read this!

My favourite bits?

1. Consider the source. If you’re worried about someone who dislikes you, first ask yourself whether they’re an asshole. If you don’t like them, and they don’t like you, that’s not a problem. That’s a mutual understanding. Hehe!

3. Don’t waste your time. If you have to play hard to get, move on. You’ll know when you’ve found a healthy relationship because it won’t confuse you. So True.

6. Don’t obsess. Worrying is complaint’s ugly cousin. Either use that energy to change your situation, or relax.

19. Choose good company. Ask yourself if a person makes you better or drains your life force. If the answer is B, you’re busy next time they call. And the time after that.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wish we were here

In our cosy little seaside house, with a cup of tea, some magazines, and not a worry in the world :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

                         me one minute ago----> me right now

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm so proud of what you did over the weekend :) 

Focus on looking forward... 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Just some more food for thought

Another little reminder not to live our lives too safely :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I hope you have a day that is full of happiness and colour xo